Hut hopping in the Richmond Range

The plateau right after Mount Rintoul

After “just" 3 days in Nelson, because of the post office which has closed on Sunday (How dare they to close on Sunday), we got into our next adventure. Armed with a sign we walked to the main road to get a ride to the Pelorus Bridge. We still walked along the shoulder and suddenly a car pulled over. It was a nice racist gentleman. During the drive, I was tempted to get out of the car, because his driving style was absolutely crazy. Fortunately there were no bikers on the road. After our stomachs got better and better when we arrived, we crossed the road and met 3 TA hikers. A little introduction and we took off along the Maungatapu Road. We talked a lot with our new company and the time went by so fast. At the end of the road, our trail split up from the road and lead us to the Emerald Pools. We enjoyed the crystal clear water and were afraid of to go out again. There were gazillion of sandflies, which were responsible that Eule (Owl) dug his feet into the sand and almost his head too. I never saw that many sandflies before. Dawn blood suckers!
Crystal clear water
Gazillion of sandflies
I think it is "Mount Richmond"
The trail was like a roller coaster. With its ups, downs, lefts, rights and ups again, the trail got everything you need. Overnights were almost like at home, because the trail got heaps of very nice huts with more and less bold roommates. Mini-bears ate everything what smells like food, even the trash. It did’t impress us much and ruin our mood, because mother nature is a big artist and we enjoyed every single masterpiece. From the Hut, which was above the tree line we could see just one thing. Mountains, and more mountains behind the mountains. We followed the path along the ridge and couldn’t stop gaping at all. Also our trigger finger got sore from taking all the photos. Your need some safety pictures just in case you lose one. 
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Our nice trail
Up side down - Windfalls
What an amazing view
The alarm turned on exactly at 6:30 a.m. in the Old Man Hut. We wanted to pull the blanket over our face, just about the thought going 200 meter up to the trail again. “Why can’t they built the damn hut not further up?” Eule yelled. But it wasn’t bad because we had to go a way further up anyway. Mount Rintoul with its 1731 meter was the highest mountain in the Richmond Range on the Te Araroa. Sure-footedness and endurance is the key what we could prove in any way. Lucky like Mrs. and Mr. Messner, we stood on the summit and celebrated our achievement. A clear sky provided us with an amazing view above all the mountains.
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Along the ridge... Mount Rintoul
Sunset next by the Old Man Hut
The weather for the last 5 days was too nice to us. Except a little drizzle in the beginning, we got sun all the time. Without the rain, we had also the advantage that the rivers ran low. After the Mid Wairoa Hut we had to cross a few times the rivers, what could be very dangerous with lots of rain. And so we jumped from stone to stone, and if there is no stone, we throw some into the water and build our own bridge in 20 minutes. With dry feet we continued to the Top Wairoa Hut. Right after this hut, old memories from Australia and the PCT came back. Australia, with its exposed red mountains on the left side and Goat Rocks Wilderness (PCT), with its grey rocks and yellow parts on the right side. It was like a deja vu for our minds.
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Mrs. and Mr. Messner
...and the Goat Rock Wilderness
We slept in on the last day at the Hunters Hut, that we really enjoyed. Eule couldn't stand still and so he took off like a marathoner. After a delicious breakfast for me (yam yam cereals and water), I hiked out with our stamping group and walked the last 20 km to the Red Hills Hut, where the adventure in the Richmond Range will end. Now, the main goal is to get to Saint Arnauld because first: we got our resupply package there and second: there is the famous BBQ on Sunday. All you can eat for 31 dollars and 19 dollars for Vegetarian. What more could a thru-hiker want. Have fun with the photos!
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Another plateau next to Mount Ellis
Some clouds over us
Goodbye Richmond Range
Mountains, and mountains behind mountains. Amazing

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  1. Hey Männer,
    die Szenerien sehen richtig edel aus, fehlen nur noch die Orks und Zwerge die sich gegenseitig watt auf die Mütze hauen wollen.
    Wie ich gesehen habe, hat sich auch Eule ausrüstungstechnisch richtig in Unkosten gestürzt und sich eine neue Trinkflasche geleistet und Maik, dein neuer Hut steht dir bestimmt gut (wo ist der alte grüne Lappen hin?). Ansonsten kann ich nur sagen: „ Lasst euch nicht von Nazis trans(de)portieren“. Wobei sich dieses Problem, bei entsprechendem Fahrstil dieses Typen bestimmt bald von selbst lösen wird. Habe ich richtig gelesen? Ein All you can eat BBQ!
    Das ist bestimmt nur eine Falle um auch die letzten verbliebenen Hiker vom Weg wegzukaschen. Falls nicht, macht mal paar Fotos vom der Futterstelle, damit ich mitessen kann. Ansonsten bleibt mir nur „Hals und Beinbruch“ zu wüschen.
    Mit besten Grüßen aus Good Cold Germany, euer Torte.

  2. Hey Torte altes Haus. Hoffe du hast dich schon wieder gut eingelebt in Cossebus. Sind jetzt grad in Hamner Springs und guckten Aliens, bis der Strom abgeschalten wurde. Und das zum Finale. Sonst geht es uns sehr gut. Lass es dir gut gehen und Grüße an Alle. Bis denen


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