Chasing down kiwis and Rod!!!

Lake Sumner

We arrived in Boyle Village safe and well. Florian was still a litte bit exhausted from the sickness, but it will be better after a nice day in town. We got a ride from a local hiker who we met earlier. Together with Kelsey, Jeremiah, Florian, the Kiwi and me, we smelled like thousands flowers in the car and took course to Hanmer Springs which was 50 km far away. The population is about 900 people during the week and will multiply by 3 or 4 on weekends. Right, it’s very touristic. The bakery was the first place which we stormed to eat a very delicious blueberry muffin and drink a nice coffee. It is always a pleasure to do this in town. After checking in into the YHA hostel, we were ready to chill out the whole day. Spending the evening in front of the TV to see Sigourney Weaver, where she was shooting one alien by another and drinking some beer, we got to the final scene. But what is that. The electricity was gone, the TV turned off and all the hiker trash were speechless and got some big questions marks over their heads. Well, it was already 11 p.m. and that meant to keep the peace at night. Very disappointed we accepted our defeat and went to bed. 
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Tramper trash
Hitch hiking with Florian
Mr. Possum
Strengthened we returned to the trail and we spend the first part of the day to cross some streams. That means: take off your shoes and socks, through the water, dry your feet and put on your socks and shoes again. It took us more time than expected and so we picked one hut earlier. The Hope Shelter, also known as the the rats nest and was worth the name. The mice used the floor as a stage, which was lighted up by our headlamps, to entertain us the whole evening. Also the possum knocked on the door at 4 a.m. and asked friendly for entry. Denied. 
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Where are you Rod :D
Like on the slack line 
A rainy day
There are books in the hut, where everybody could write some notes in and we were very interested in one of these names. Rod. We are chasing this 69 year old gentleman down since Wanganui and got closer and closer. We want to see him again, because the canoe trip was awesome with him. It is just one day but it will change because we are going to Christchurch for some days. But the day will come dear Rod!
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Listening to kiwi in the night
Green, green, green
Red colored stream bed
After we finished our longest day (37km) on the Southern Island, a nice surprise waited for us in Hurunui No. 3 Hut. The organization “Kiwis for kiwi” is staying here for 2 weeks and taking notes how many kiwis are living in that area. That includes catching them, attaching transmitters and finding out the territories where they are. We didn’t see any but we got the chance to join Natasha. She has to find out where the territories are just by listening and a tracking device. You could exactly hear which was a male or a female kiwi. In additional, she answered every single question and after 2 hours standing still, we said goodbye to Natasha and went happy to bed. Outside it was already freezing cold.
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A fresh sip from the river
Lunch time
The Harper Pass was done, which was very easy. Completely different thought the school class about the climb from the other side. “Enjoy the downhill, cause uphill sucks”, they said. The faces told many stories: Why am I here? Who does like hiking? Why am I doing this? May I go home? It was difficult to stop laughing and so we continued downhill to the valley. Our journey turned into something new - Put on your swim dress cause we will swim the whole day - Dozen times we walked through the river which reached us up to the hip and the current was sometimes so strong that it took almost our socks off.  The trail was only signed on the sides and so it was our own thing to find a way through the riverbed. Close to the Goat Pass Hut, there was this little pool with waterfall. “I’d like to swim in there”, Eule said and so we did. This fun only last half a minute because the water was damn cold. Refreshed we arrived at the hut and looked forward to the next day. Christchurch is not so far away. Whop Whop.
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Private bathroom
Don't know what to write ;)
Close to Goat Pass Hut

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